Welcome to the Department of Chemistry
Head of Department

Name: Dr. Chandra Mohan Saxena |
Designation: Professor |
Contact Number: 9935384722 |
Email: drcmsaxena01@gmail.com |
The Chemistry Department boasts 23 faculty members, providing comprehensive B.Sc. and M.Sc. programs. It features state-of-the-art labs, staffed by skilled lab technicians. The department is renowned for its academic and research achievements, including numerous publications in high-impact journals and significant research grants. Faculty and students engage in various activities, such as seminars, workshops, and community outreach programs, fostering a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. The department's commitment to excellence is evident in its cutting-edge research, innovative teaching methods, and active participation in the scientific community.
History of the Department
The department of Chemistry came into existence in 1962 under the able headship of Late Prof. R.P. Tewari and post graduate classes were started in 1965 with specialization in physical and organic Chemistry. On grant demand the third branch- Inorganic Chemistry was started in 1979. Even since the department has been started under the leadership of honourable members and there after Prof. Chandra Mohan Saxena is continuing as 9th head of department since July 2022. At present the department has to its' credit 23 faculty members out of twenty (20) are of Ph.D. and seven are Professor and 15 members are approved research supervisor of CSJM University, Kanpur. Various fields of research in the department are organometallic, Synthetic Natural product, Coordination Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry, Kinetics and Solid State Chemistry. About 100 Research papers have been Published by the faculty members in National and International Journals.
Chemistry department has organised 5th National Seminars and one International Seminar in the recent past. The department has its own Library have number of books and provide reading and issue facility of P.G. Students and 05 Journals are also available for Consultation along with Computers and internet facility. Department runs the Chemical Society which organises excursion (Educational) trips to reputed Labs. (NSI Knp, CDRI, C-MAP, ITRC,NBRI,Lko,) and FFDC, Kannauj to Keep the faculty and students abreast with recent development.
Department arranges lecture series to enrich the Knowledge of the students and faculty members. recently guest lecture have been delivered by Prof. Amar Srivastava, Principal Har Sahai P.G. College, Kanpur on Spectroscopy. and Dr. Anuradha Tewari V.S.S.D College, Kanpur on Food Adulteration. Many of our Students successfully to Completely NET/JRF exam and several students joined reputed institutions of India for higher studies every Year.
Many of our students got job in Govt. sector. The department has a team of 13 technical assistants including two are Ph.D's and one are Net qualified. 200 National/International Seminars have been attended by the faculty members. Five minor Projects and three major Projects Completed and one is on going under Dr. Renu Kumari funded by state Govt. U.P. Recently 02 (Two) books for U.G. have been published by Dr. C. M. Saxena (H.O.D. of Chemistry Dept.) and one book by Dr. Archna Saxena. One book from Dr.Shalendra Shukla.
At last one compound was synthesised in chemistry Lab under supervision of Prof. C.M. Saxena for which he has a patent on his name (Patent office by Goverment of india). It has been our concerned effort to exhort the students to frame their goal of carrier and achieve it with enduring efforts in planned manner in Consultation with faculty members who are always available to sort out of the problems othe students.
I wish to carry Forward this goal of the department for the betterment of the students
Faculty Members in Department of Chemistry
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