Student Induction Programme in the Department of Geography

Students Induction programme inaugurated by our honorable Principal Sir Prof. Anil Kumar Mishra. In his inaugural speech, Prof. Mishra said that study of Geography is very important in present world Geo-political situation and for UPSC and others competitive exams. Prof. Mishra also praised about teaching and learning practices and other initiative taken by the the Department. Head of the department welcomes the guests on this occasion. Prof. Indrani Dubey, senior member, college IQAC also addressed on the occasion. Dr. Anita Nigam gave details of course curriculum for first and second semester. Dr. Gautam Hal gave details about examination pattern and about minor, co curriculum and vocational subjects and it’s qualifying grade etc. at the end Dr. K. C.  Tripathi extended the vote of thanks to the guests, staff members, and our students. In this program around more than 50 UG students and more than 15 PG students were present.


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