Dr. Ajai Pratap Srivastava

Assistant Professor


Dr. Ajai Pratap Srivastava Download CV
Email: apsdbs5767@gmail.com
Contact: 9598283686
WhatsApp: 9415476987

Dr. A. P. Srivastava has completed his MSc in Physics at Allahabad University and his PhD at CSJM University, Kanpur. My research focuses on utilizing EPR to study materials with unpaired electrons across various scientific disciplines, including biology, physics, and chemistry. Through EPR, He explored the properties of metal complexes and organic radicals, providing valuable insights into their behavior. His passion for research has led him to present his findings at both national and international conferences. These experiences have fostered collaboration with other scholars and expanded knowledge within the field.

Faculty Type: Mandey
Academic Qualification: Ph.D.
Research Area: EPR Spectroscopy
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